vendredi 14 octobre 2011

Cone 4 #9 Satiné/Brillante

Gerstley borate 16
Frit 3134 16
Silica 20
Custer feldspar 20
Talc 14
EPK 14
Total 100

Na2O 0.15 Al2O3 0.26 SiO2 2.85
K2O 0.07 B2O3 0.36 P2O5 0.00
MgO 0.36 TiO2 0.00
CaO 0.43 Fe2O3 0.00
MnO 0.00

Alumina:Silica ratio is 1.00:10.81
Neutral:Acid ratio is 1.00:4.58
Alk:Neut:Acid ratio is 1.00:0.62:2.86

Expansion: 65.3 x 10e-7 per degree C
Oxides causing abnormal expansion: B2O3

1 commentaire:

  1. Hello, do you have any pictures of your cone 4 glazes? Thanks, Jennifer
